The 50 words point to key terms and concepts, curated for design students and designer-researchers who’re learning how to engage in making, shaping and critiquing FUTURES DESIGN and DESIGN FUTURE LITERACIES. The 50 words are further connected to a range of activities covered in the UNITS and are a resource to consult in students’ learning through briefs/tasks/deliveries, whether in a studio course or when preparing term paper/presentation or thesis.

1. Agency 26. Network
2. Allure 27. Participative
3. Anticipation 28. Plurality
4. Aspiration 29. Possible
5. Backcasting 30. Proactive
6. Belonging 31. Probable
7. Care 32. Projection
8. Change 33. Prospective
9. Co-creation 34. Proximal
10. Collaborative 35. Relational
11. Collective 36. Robotic
12. Complexity 37. Scenario
13. Creativity 38. Seeding
14. Disruptive 39. Simulation
15. Dynamic 40. Speculative
16. Dystopia 41. Stakeholder
17. Ecological 42. Survivable
18. Emergent 43. Sustainable
19. Ethical 44. Systemic
20. Expectation 45. Transhuman
21. Fabulation 46. Trends
22. Flux 47. Trust
23. Foresee 48. Utopia
24. Harmony 49. Viable
25. Imagination 50. Vision

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